Tuesday, May 5, 2020

liberation day

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5th of May 2020

A day to celebrate freedom.

Liberation Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of May. It’s a day to realize how lucky we are to live in a country where people live in freedom.

Today 75 years ago our country was liberated and we have lived in freedom ever since.

More than ever, we appreciate the freedom we are used to.

No festivals and no parties this year, we made a bike ride through our city and had a lovely picnic at the riverside. We enjoyed a sunny afternoon in the garden and had dinner at Pippa's who cooked a delicious meal for us tonight.


  1. Hi - was wondering if you are still planning on the Marrakech retreat this October and if there are spaces still available. I have sent a couple of emails but think my emails have possible ended in your spam box.....bridget 99 air at hot mail dot com.

    I was in Gronigen last May during Remembrance Day - my friend has a beautiful house and flies her very large Dutch flag on that day and the next....so nice of you all in the Netherlands.

    1. Hello Bridget,

      Thanks again for your interest and enthusiasm about the Marvelous Marrakech workshop.
      The workshop for October was already fully booked in earlier this year.

      Because of the very unforeseeable circumstances due to the global virus and uncertain times regarding flights and country decisions, maybe some of the participants will not be able to join us.
      So I can put your name on the list as a backup.

      I will check my spambox and send you an application form. Can you please fill in the form and send it back to me.
      Once we know more (also our basecamp hotel Chambers d'Amis is closed until further instructions) I will contact you straight away.

      Thanks Bridget and fingers crossed for you.

