Thursday, May 30, 2013


hotel lobbyHM BalaNGUeRaroom 208vintage garden chairsbalanguera baghotel lobbyhm balanguerala balanguerastairwayrooftopbreakfast @ balanguerafourth floorhm balanguerabreakfast @ balanguera

La Balanguera is the official anthem of the Balearic island of Mallorca.

In our search for a nice hotel (some weeks ago) we found this special design hotel and didn't hesitate to book a room. The first two nights and the last night of our holiday we stayed at this great hotel in Palma. The building itself is strikingly beautiful and the rounded walls are also everywhere inside the building and give the city hotel a Mediterranean island atmosphere. Such a relaxing place to stay, we enjoyed every minute of it. Recomendado!


  1. Hi Ingrid, wat ziet dat er prachtig uit. Zo te zien hebben jullie genoten! Enne..zit je in je "blauwe" periode? Staat je goed.

  2. Habéis tenido mucha suerte.....parece que hizo un tiempo fantástico! Una isla maravillosa.

  3. The hotel is really great. Such a wonderful place to relax

  4. Wat een prachtig hotel! Goeie tip :)
