Monday, September 9, 2024

september sleepover

september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024 september 2024

6th & 7th of September

Sleepover with Liam & Woody.

Full of stories, fantasy and fun all day long.

On Friday we went shopping for dinner with his tricycle, cooking, setting the table together (Liam loves to help).
He could stay up a bit longer after his bath because it was the weekend.
Playing games and reading books in the big bed together and Liam fell asleep within a minute. (and he probably played with the alarm clock for a while, because we woke up from the loud alarm at 6:30, hahaha...)
Saturday morning after breakfast we went cycling in the polder and had coffee & scones at the picking garden.

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