Friday, January 20, 2012

to marrakech with mr. hook

If you've always wanted to go to Marrakech?
and want to learn crochet?
This cool crochet trip is perfect for you!

During your stay in Marrakech you will reside in the super-stylish riad chambres d'amis.

There are two options, whether in spring or autumn; you can learn cool crochet in Marrakech.
In spring I will go there with my love. Yeah.

More cool news; Since yesterday my handmade postcards are for sale at Villa Augustus!

For the time being, these two 'valentine' cards are the first ones, but I'm working on expanding the collection and making prints for my Etsy shop.


  1. That's great news! Good luck with your ideas! Good luck with your new postcards!xxx

  2. OMG, this is amazing!!
    April for me it's impossible, but I'll think about for october ;-)
    Thank you for the tip
    ciao bella

  3. wat een gave trip zeg!!! ziet er heerlijk uit! ben benieuwd naar je haakresultaten! bye yvon

  4. was er deze herfst & heb genoten, maar heb niet gehaakt...wat een goeie combi!

  5. I'm so pregnant right now, but I'm thinking about October. Even my husband got excited!It is a great opportunity, thank you so much!Do you know where I can find more info?

  6. AMAZING! We went to Marrakech for our honeymoon in August. Such an amazing place. Too hot for crochet then though...What a lovely idea!
