Wednesday, October 31, 2012
wood & wool fringes hanger
Inspired by the colorful Paul Smith stripes, this handmade baby clothes hanger is also fun without clothes.
And why hide all those loose threads?
They turn into fringes, to make it even more lively!
Monday, October 29, 2012
what's your number?

fun at fortfestijn
See you next time?
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
you are all invited
This is only a small selection of the wood & wool pieces I bring to the fort. I hope to see you this Sunday!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
paint it black
Wood & wool stool Inck in front of a freshly painted black wall.
Last week I painted the small walls of the hall on the first floor.
(following the example of Nina)
Black walls are beautiful and photogenic.
There was enough paint left over to paint the hall on the second floor as well.
The favorite colors of by inck Inge's stool, really pop in front of the new wall.
Black and blue match surprisingly well.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
[lucky hearts] postcard
New postcard in the shop!
The wood & wool postcard [lucky hearts] in beautiful autumn colors.
Special autumn offer:
10 postcards for the price of only 5.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
vintage race bike
I just made an indoor test drive on the oldtimer race bike.
Wow, I can already feel this is so cool!
Soon I will make an outside ride on our new vintage Giant beauty.
Friday, October 12, 2012
wood & wall [she] peg
My 'jewelery' and belts share a peg.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
wood & wall peg
New in the shop; the wood & wall peg.
A cute and handy little coat rack, you can use it everywhere;
- in the baby room (the sweetest babywear)
This white dress on the middle hook, was once my grandmother's and light years later Pippa's.
- in the bathroom (for towels)
- in the hall (for scarves and hats)
- in the bedroom (for necklaces and belts)
All pegs are unique and handmade.
Maybe you live near Haarlem, so you can come and see at Fortfestijn
on Sunday, October 28.
stool on the table
My stools are always photographed before being packed and shipped.
Usually this happens on the kitchen table.
This has become a kind of ritual.
At least I have an image of the stools, because some stools I want to keep.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
work in progress
The wood share of the stool,
gets for some reason less attention than the wool share.
Today's the turn of the tough wood work!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
wholly to my taste
Nathalie Lété's delightful memory game!
I'm absolutely no games person, but for [le joli mémo] I gladly make an exception.
This colorful wooden toy is wholly to my taste.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
autumnal zeal
Autumn days can bring me in a zealous mood!
That happened to me yesterday and today.
Time to deal with a few projects.
Project one:
Yesterday I have painted dots on the wall.
(those 'confetti' dots attract my attention continuously)
Project two:
Today I've made wood & wall pegs for Fortfestijn! Join us on the last Sunday in October?!
and a tiny sub-project:
I made a neon lining to my woolen socks.