Random february, blog worthy.
The Flap clock rolled over to March, something goes wrong once every four years.
The bamboo network under the tiles was removed again and the pavers constructed a sleek terrace before the garden season starts.
Workspace in the market shop at Villa Augustus.
Fabulous flower truck during a walk.
Tuesday afternoon pre nap.
Tuesday afternoon post nap.
Forest walk with balance bike.
Rocking the Rock the Kasbah shirt from Auntie Ank.
Everything off the floor for a thorough vacuuming.
Tulips from Liam.
Second round of Fritillaria, because it is the month for it.
New art on the wall.
Tuesday lunch with French toast.
Tuesday fruit snack.
Picking snowdrops.
Wind-up swimmers club.
Music in the attic.
More mimosas and fritillaria, Febuari favorites.
Family dinner on Saturday evening, liam takes care of the desserts.
Flowerday at work.
Family visit from London.
Homemade maternity blanket for my new great-nephew Imme.
Furthermore, February was a fun month, although this winter seems to last forever, the end is in sight. We are 100% ready for the outdoor season!
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