Saturday, May 18, 2024

random eat play love

mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024 mei 2024

More May

After our mini vacation we still had two more 'supervising Tuesdays' to catch up with Liam.
That turned out well, because we still owed it and Liam had chickenpox, so didn't go to daycare but came to play with us for an extra day. Fortunately, Liam had little trouble and quickly recovered completely after a day.

We also dined in the garden more often, with dinners prepared by Henk, with all the trimmings of course...

May is going well so far...

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