Sunday, May 12, 2024

cavtat & dubrovnik

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Lapad, Cavtat & Dubrovnik - Monday 29th of April

In the morning we took a look at the remains of the brutalism of the neighbors. This place was hit during the war and the architect allowed it to only be rebuilt if it remained in the same style. Insanely beautiful building, view of the bay and garden!

After breakfast a mini road trip to Cavtat. It is the southernmost town and one of the oldest cities on the Dalmatian Coast and is located on a truly beautiful turquoise bay!
we had a coffee and another drink at Villa Banac, a beautiful palace with piano music that we heard in the background for the rest of the day, reflecting across the bay!

Two empty chairs waiting for us invitingly at the end of the bay and we had a wonderful afternoon with swimming among the little fish and a picnic lunch.

At the end of the afternoon we drove back to Lapad and then took the bus for our final dinner in Dubrovnik.

Magical dinner at restaurant Rudjer at Poljana Ruđera Boškovića Square, with a view of St. Ignatius Church, at top of Jesuit steps.

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