Thursday, August 26, 2010

greek delights (part nine)

modern shepherd, originally uploaded by wood & wool stool.

part nine (actually it is more a relief): Transport on Crete.

Fortunately, the trucker strike ended and there is enough petrol for everyone; for the modern shepherd, the yellow Beach Beetle, the orange Datsun Sunny, the blue oldtimer & -driver the Parks Department and even for Nobody's car.


  1. Jammergenoeg ben ik er vanavond niet bij in Villa A.
    Maar Jan mailde net hoe leuk en mooi het is, en dat wij er absoluut moeten gaan eten. Dus misschien vier ik mijn verjaardag wel in Dordt!


  2. I am officially jealous of your trip! I remember coming across herding goats on the isle of Skiathos - I never saw this method though! Funny.
