Sunday, August 29, 2010

greek delights (final part ten)

paint it white, originally uploaded by wood & wool stool.

part ten: paint it white

The Cretans know all about atmosphere. White houses with blue painted doors. Good and simple food with fresh ingredients. Taverns almost located in the waves.

Life is good in the south of Crete. An ideal place to make stools.
I miss the relaxed way of life and the sun and Bobbie. I'm officially homesick.


  1. From your photos Crete looks really lovely...really love the bright blue against the white.

  2. My husband and I looked at your pics on flickr yesterday and dreamt of returning to the south of crete with our family. Wonderful photos and wonderful colours - I love it there!

  3. would love to be in crete now. that pic is wonderful. white is a fantastic base for everything...

  4. chin up! i have a feeling we are going to see greece in your future creations:)
    hugs hello!

  5. Hi! I don't know what do you think about blogger awards but you have just gotten one from me over at my blog :) I just love your stools and hearing from Greece is also cool! :)

  6. What a wonderful holiday. Love the colours in all the pics, but especially this blue and bright white pic!
