It sometimes occures I'm starting a crochet project without knowing what it's gonna be.
I like that stage, it's only the beginning of 'something' and still can become anything.
This 'project' is an example of starting something.
After making lots of square and oblong objects, i felt like making something round again.
So I'm crochetting, making rounds and rounds and rounds and rounds and rounds and I suddenly had a cute curtain for the round window in my vintage cupboard.
No, that's not it! Or perhaps a bottom for a bag?
For a while it was just nothing again, simply making lovely colorful round stripes on the garden bench.
I went on spinning around and came to the conclusion it will be just another pillow project after all.
We don't have a round pillow in the house yet, so it's about time...
The sunny stripes also would look great on the garden bench I guess.