The huge harlequin blanket is nearly halfway.
Somewhere in 2017 I started this huge harlequin project. It's quite an ambitious project, but it will be awesome in the end.
Yesterday evening I've been working on the project again and it seems the huge harlequin blanket, most likely will be lying our bed on the attic within a few weeks...
Making all the separate harlequins was easy and actually they are all small projects that can be done within in a few hours.
The big basket with crocheted parts was in a corner in the living room and I had no clue what the 'state of affairs' was.
When I put all the parts down on the floor on New Year's Eve, I found out that I only had to crochet two more harlequins. A huge boost to finish it finally!
Now I'm so glad I have continued the project and it's getting even better than I imagined.
It is motivating and now I can't stop... So no other side projects, I have to finish this first.
I had to share this 'huge harlequin project 2017/2018 update' with you, because I'm pretty proud of it.
Wow, well done!